SMEC can help with the preparation and submission of your application; we offer personalized visa assistance and insightful migration advice, and as a member of the Migration Institute of Australia, can advise on all types of migration visas.
Our experienced administration team provides support and ensures all administrative requirements in relation to our clients are conducted professionally and in a timely manner to ensure our clients’ applications are dealt with as efficiently and quickly as possible. In fact, Yojana and her team are with you every step of the way, from your
initial enquiry, right through to your visa being granted. That’s why, when you enlist the services of SMEC, you’re not only dealing with people who are registered and qualified to assist with your application, you’re also dealing with people who were once in the very same position that you are in today. Over the years, we have increased from 2 staff members to six and process large number of applications.
- Yojana Pareek Director and Principal Migration and Education Agent
- Arvind Purohit Accounts and admin
- Suyash Team member and Marketing Manager
- Amandeep Singh Senior office Manager
- Arashdeep Kaur Senior Admin
- Rishu Goyal Offshore Admission Head
- Shubh Team member and admin
- Ronak Team member and admin
As registered Australian migration agent, our team undertakes ongoing professional development in order to keep up to date with changes to migration legislation and government policy. The Administration is substantially responsible for the admission process of students, consists of efficient of people sharing different responsibilities like Visa Assistance, Preparing & Dispatching Application Documents on time, regular follow-ups for timely delivery and overall co-ordination.
Sterling Migration Teams

Yojana Pareek
Director and Principal Migration and Education Agent


Amandeep Singh
Senior Office Manager

Rishu Goyal
Offshore Admission Manager

Arashdeep Kaur
Senior Admin

Suyash Pareek
Marketing Head

Arvind Purohit
Accounts and admin